Chemical Washing

Specialize in Aircond
Chemical Cleaning

Running an AC unit that’s operating at less than peak efficiency can cost you money. Keeping it in good working order is vital if you want to keep your home comfortable without paying sky-high electricity bills. This is why it’s always a good idea to address any performance issues you notice sooner rather than later..

How long does it take it to cool down a room when you switch it on? A clean, efficient air conditioning unit should be able to get the job done in ten minutes or less. If it has to work for longer than that, it’s burning up excess power and costing you money.

What We Do

Aircon Cleaning & Repair

Aircon Installation

Aircon Gas Top-Up

Quick Facts About airconboy

  • Our chemical cleaning solution kills 99.9% of the bacteria in your aircon.
  • Guarantee follow up service within 7 days.
  • Our technicians are well trained and friendly. We always send the best!
  • We provide free consultation and quotation. FREE!
  • We give 30 days warranty after service. 30 days warranty!
  • We respond to your appointment and enquiry within 24 hours.

The Advantages Of Chemical Solution

This type of solution can make a huge difference in its performance. They’re highly recommended by most of Malaysia’s reputable air conditioning companies. Over time, dust and debris inevitably build up in your air conditioner. While ordinary water might be able to get rid of some of the surface dirt, it takes something a little more powerful to completely clean it and eliminate potentially harmful bacteria that may be lurking inside. Here are the key benefits of using this method:

Fast And Thorough Cleaning

A professional tech relies on chemical solutions to clean out your unit quickly and completely. Good solutions will penetrate deeply and ensure that unwanted debris is purged from every last crevice of it.

Chemical Cleaning Makes Air Healthier

As noted above, this type of cleaning will eliminate bacteria that might be breeding in your air conditioner. Without regular cleaning that includes antibacterial products, it could be spreading contaminated air throughout your home. Regular maintenance that includes cleaning is important in order to safeguard your family’s health.

Cleaning Extends Your Aircon's Lifespan

Besides purging dirt and potentially dangerous microorganisms, chemical cleaning also keeps hard-to-reach parts of your unit from suffering corrosion. This will help you get as many years of useful service as possible.

Let Us Help You
Most air conditioners need a thorough cleaning every six months. Location, usage, and other factors affect how quickly it gets dirty; many units benefit from more frequent cleaning. We've been maintaining, repairing, and cleaning air conditioners in Malaysia for over 10 years. If you want to make sure that your unit stays in the best possible condition and provides you with cool, clean air for many years to come, give us a call today


Your One-Stop Aircon
Service Center in Kuala Lumpur

Why Us?

Our company is dedicated to work along with clients and provide solutions to their problems. Contact us today to get the most affordable and high-quality servicing for your air conditioner so it is working in prime order to fully cool your home or business. You don’t have to take our word for it, simply look at these reasons:

Brands we work with




We are Malaysia based company that specialize in the air conditioner industry with installations, repairs, and maintenance. 

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Our Support and Sales team is available 24 /7 to answer your queries

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Your One-Stop Aircon
Service Center in Kuala Lumpur